Friday, April 25, 2014

Winter Weary Goats Lounge in Sunshine

This weekend is the Vermont Maple Festival in Saint Albans (yum and yippee!) and as I was searching the event web site for scheduling information, I noticed photos of last year's event.  People were wearing shorts and sleeveless tops.  Not this year!

The other day though we did have the pleasure of a warm afternoon, and I caught our winter-weary goats lounging outside in the sunshine.  I was alarmed when I first saw Millie (on the left, head down) because of the unusual way her body was all twisted, but she was fine. She was just sprawled out chillin'.  To her right is her youngest daughter, Sophie, and her twin, Sam.  To Sam's right is Millie's oldest son, Huey.  He's got his head resting back on his horns.  In the right foreground, tucked against the rocks, is Thomas, our very handsome and sweet Leicester Longwool wether.  With all that winter wool, it's hard to see much of his face. The gray spots are along the end of his nose. He lifted his sleepy head for the photo.

If you come into town for the Festival, please stop by and say "hello!"  We'll be open all weekend, 10-5.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Soap Studio is Open!

We are finally all moved in and settled at our new Soap Studio on Main Street in downtown Saint Albans.  Yay!

Fresh batches of soap are curing on racks, new creams are ready for sampling, and Lovely Lady Lucille graces our front window.  Our larger space allows us to offer handwoven hand and dish towels and hand painted tea towels crafted by Vermont artisans, along with imported safety razors and handmade shaving brushes made from horse and badger hair to compliment our soaps and shaving products.

This year we will host Open Studio Weekend at our Soap Studio instead of at our farm in Georgia on May 24-25th.  Just to have a little extra fun, we are going to combine that weekend with our Grand Opening, and have a four day affair (Thursday - Sunday) with lots of specials along with our annual Naked Soap Sale.  Look for more info soon.

In the meantime, we'd love to show you our new working space! We are open this weekend as part of Maplefest, Saturday and Sunday, 10-5, and will feature our Vermont Maple bar soap.

Our production schedule will change week to week but we are open to visitors on Thursdays and Fridays, 10-5, and by appointment on other days.

Hope to see you soon!

Chasworth Farm Soap Studio
118 North Main Street 
Saint Albans
(directly across the street from the new Ace Hardware)
Thursdays and Fridays, 10-5 or by appointment.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

And the Winner Is....

Ellen W.!

Ellen submitted the winning name in our mannequin naming contest with her entry, "Lovely Lady Lucille."

Thanks for your suggestion, Ellen! We've got a goodie bag coming your way.

Thanks to those who shared their ideas!